Monday, April 27, 2020

Fruit Tree Problems: Multiple Choice Questions on Arecanut Diseases

In my previous post I posted MCQs on Fruit tree Problem: pomegranate diseases. Today I am going to post MCQs on areacanut diseases. You can answer in the comment section.

Q 1 Mahali/Koleroga disease of arecanut was first reported by
a. Butler in 1904 from Mysore
c. Coleman in 1905 from Mysore
b. Butler in 1906 from Mysore
d. Coleman in 1910from Mysore
Q 2 Mahali disease is caused by
a. Phytophthora meadii
c. both of these
b. Phytophthora arecae
d. None of these
Q 3 Following factor play an important role in spread of mahali disease of arecanut
a. Low temperature & high humidity
c. both of these
b. Close plantation
d. None of these
Q 4 Mahali/koleroga disease of arecanut can be successfully managed by prophylactic sprays of
a. Bordeaux mixture(1%) and Metalaxyl MZ(0.2%)
c. Bordeaux mixture(1%) and Hexaconazole(0.2%)
b. Bordeaux mixture(1%) and Carbendazim (0.1%)
d. All of these
Q 5 Bacterial leaf stripe of arecanut is caused by
a. Xanthomonas campestris pv. arecae
c. Pseudomonas campestris pv. campestris
b. Pseudomonas campestris pv. arecae
d. Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
Q 6 Favourable temperature for bacterial leaf stripe development in arecanut is
a. 26-30oC
c. 26-28oC
b. 25-28oC
d. 25-30oC
Q 7 Bacterial leaf stripe of arecanut can develop faster under
a. 85-90% RH
c. 80-85% RH
b. 60-75% RH
d. 70-85% RH
Q 8 Anabe roga of arecanut is caused by
a. Ganoderma lucidum
c. Ganoderma applanatum
b. Ganoderma australe
d. Ganoderma lingzhi
Q 9 Bud rot of arecanut is caused by
a. Phytophthora palmivora
c. Phytophthora cactorum
b. Phytophthora parasitica
d. Phytophthora nicotianae
Q 10 Yellow leaf spot disease of arecanut is caused by
a. Curvularia sp.
c. Colletotrichum sp.
b. Phyllosticta sp.
d. all of these.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Fruit Tree Problems: Multiple choice questions on Pomegranate Diseases

Last week I posted questions on Pineapple diseases. Today I am posting questions on  pomegranate diseases. These will help you to understand the crop better. You may answer these questions in comment box.

Q 1 Bacterial blight of pomegranate is caused by
a. Xanthomonas campestris pv punicae
c. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv punicae
b. Pseudomonas axonopodis pv punicae
d. Pseudomonas campestris pv punicae
Q 2 Light brown zonated spots appear on leaves and fruits of pomegranate are caused by
a. Cercospora punicae
c. Coelophoma empetri
b. Alternaria altarnata
d. Phytophthora nicotianae
Q 3 Primary source of inoculum for Cercospora leaf spot are
a. conidia in acervulus
c. dormant mycelia in infected plant part
b. dormant mycelia in plant debris
d. None of these
Q 4 Wilt of pomegranate is caused by
a. Fusarium oxysporum
c. Fusarium fusariodes
b. Verticilium albo-atrum
d. All of these
Q 5 Flower and fruit spot of pomegranate is caused by
a. Phytophthora palmivora
c. Phytophthora parasitica
b. Phytophthora nicotianae
d. Phytophthora cactorum
Q 6 Favourable temperature for bacterial blight development in pomegranate is
a. 30-34oC
c. 25-30oC
b. 20-30oC
d. 30-40oC
Q 7 Bacterial blight of pomegranate can develop faster under
a. 85-90% RH
c. 80-85% RH
b. 60-75% RH
d. 70-85% RH
Q 8 Most critical period in pomegranate disease development is
a. July-August
c. July-September
b. August-October
d. August-November
Q 9 Characteristic symptoms for bacterial blight of pomegranate includes
a. water soaked lesion with necrotic center
c. Oily brown to black spots on fruits
b. brown to black spots around the nodes
d. All of these
Q 10 Dark brown depressed symptoms on fruits are characteristic of
a. Cercospora leaf spot
c. Leaf spot
b. Fusarium wilt
d. Leaf and fruit spots

Monday, April 6, 2020

Fruit Tree Problems: Multiple Choice Questions on Pineapple diseases

Yesterday I posted questions on Jack Fruit diseases. Today I am posting questions on  pineapple diseases. These will help you to understand the crop better. You may answer these questions in comment box.

Q 1 Heart rot of pineapple caused by
a. Phytophthora cinnamomi
c. Phytopthora palmivora
b. Phytophthora cactorum
d. Phytophthora nicotianae
Q 2 Epidemiological conditions that favours heart rot diseases development are
a. Poor drainage
c. Alkaline soils
b. Cool and wet soils
d. All of these
Q 3 Heart rot of pineapple overwinters in the form of
a. Oospores
c. Sporangia
b. Zoospores
d. None of these
Q 4 Heart rot of pineapple can be managed by
a. Avoiding deep planting
c. Removal and destruction of diseased plant
b. Application of Bordeaux mixture
d. All of these
Q 5 Base rot is caused by
a. Ceratocystis fibriata
c. Cyratocystis platani
b. Cyratocystis paradoxa
d. Cyratocystis piceae
Q 6 Pineapple wilt virus is transmitted by
a. Aphids (Aphis gossypii)
c. Mealy bug (Dysmicocus brevipes)
b. Mite (Eriophyes inaequalis)
d. Seed corn maggot (Hylemyia cilicrura)
Q 7 Select the true statement with relation to pineapple wilt virus
a. High soil N reduces disease incidence
c. Hot water treatment can be done at 52oC
b. Hot water treatment can be done at 45oC
d. Low soil N reduces the disease incidence
Q 8 Pink disease of pineapple is caused by
a. Pantoea citrea
c. Botryobasidium salmonicolaor
b. Corticium salmonicolor
d. None of these
Q 9 Pineapple fruitlet core rot disease is caused by
a. Penicillium spp
c. Aspergillus spp.
b. Rhyzopus spp.
d. All of these
Q 10 Pantoea citrea is a
a. Gram-negative
c. facultative anaerobic
b. non-spore forming
d. All of these

Tomorrow I shall be posting the answers in comment box

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Fruit Tree Problems: Multiple Choice Questions on Jackfruit Diseases

In my previous post I have posted MCQs on plum diseases. Hope you might have enjoyed solving it. Today I am going to post MCQs on Jackfruit diseases. I have included two disease management questions. These will help you in understanding the choice of fungicides in the management of diseases

Q 1 Die back of jackfruit is caused by
a. Rhizopus artocarpus
c. Phytopthora palmivora
b. Stigminia carpophila
d. Botryodiplodia theobromae
Q 2 On dying back twigs following vegetative fruiting structure can be seen
a. Pycnidia
c. acervuli
b. apothecia
d. perithecia
Q 3 Primary source of inoculum of jackfruit die back is
a. dormant mycelia
c. soil borne conidia
b. conidia developed in pycnidia
d. air borne conidia
Q 4 Following conditions are favourable for die back development in jackfruit
a. Temp 15-20oC and RH 80-85%
c. Temp 25-30oC and RH 80-85%
b. Temp 25-30oC and RH 85-90%
d. Temp 15-20oC and RH 85-90%
Q 5 Fruit rot of jackfruit is caused by
a. Rhizopus artocarpus
c. both of these
b. Phytopthora palmivora
d. none of these
Q 6 Leaf spot of jackfruit is caused by
a. Alternaria alternate
c. Pestalotiopsis clastica
b. Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae
d. Phytophthora palmivora
Q 7 Characteristic symptom of jackfruit leaf spot disease is
a. dark brick red spots on upper leaf surface
c. dark brick red spots on both leaf surfaces
b. dark brick red spots on lower leaf surface
d. white spots with grey center
Q 8 Pink disease of jackfruit is caused by
a. Botryobasidium salmonicolaor
c. a & b
b. Corticium salmonicolor
d. None of these
Q 9 Jackfruit leaf spot can be managed by
a. Carbendazim @0.1%
c. Thiophanate methyl @0.2%
b. Difolatan @0.2%
d. All of these
Q 10 Phytophthora rot of jackfruit is managed by
a. Bordeaux mixture @1%
c. Carbendazim @0.1%
b. Thiophanate methyl @0.2%
d. Difolatan @0.2%
You can check the answers in comment box now.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Plum Tree Diseases: MCQ on Diseases of Plum

Yesterday I posted MCQs on Diseases of Peach. Today I am posting MCQs on diseases of plum, which may help you in your revision of the crop


Q 1 Plum pocket is caused by
a. Taphrina deformans
c. Taphrina maculans
b. Stigminia carpophila
d. Phyllosticta persicae
Q 2 Characteristic symptom includes
a. Hypertrophy
c. Hollow fruit
b. both a and c
d. none
Q 3 Characteristic/prominent symptoms of plum pocket can be seen on
a. Leaves
c. Fruits
b. Twigs
d. Trunk
Q 4 Wilt of plum is caused by
a. Fusarium oxysporum
c. Verticillium albo-atrum
b. Ralstonia solanacearum
d. None of these
Q 5 Wilt of plum is more severe in
a. Alkaline pH
c. Acidic pH
b. Neutral soil
d. none of these
Q 6 Bacterial canker of plum is caused by
a. Xanthomonas syringae
c. California peach blight
b. Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae
d. Target leaf spot
Q 7 Primary source of inoculum for bacterial canker of plum is
a. infected plant
c. soil borne bacterial cells
b. endospores
d. all of these
Q 8 Predisposing factors for the wilt of plum are
a. Balck clay soil
c. Nematode infestation
b. 28-29oC temperature
d. All of these
Q 9 Black knot of plum is caused by
a. Xanthomonas campestris
c. Apdiosporina morbosum
b. Pseudomonas syringae pv.syringae
d. Xanthomonas syringae
Q 10 Line pattern of plum is caused by
a. Virus
c. Bacteria
b. Fungus
d. Algae